Advanced Training or Not?
If God has called you to a lifetime of serving Him it seems prudent to invest 3 years to get a Masters of Divinity (or some such) degree from the best institution you can find. There are some very rare, high-gifted leaders that can excel without advanced training. And they often make the innocent mistake of thinking everybody can do it like they did. I honestly believe it is their humility that drives the idea that they are no different than anyone else....but everyone else knows different. When a called person spends time with an accomplished spiritual swordsman, they will reach another level. Seminary doesn't give you character, it's not to be used to "clarify" a call, or build passion for Christ. You should go into seminary with those things. What it will do is sharpen your sword and your sword skills. You will be affected by the deep love for the Lord Jesus Christ in the faculty, their continued service to their churches, their passion for the lost, and the excellence with which they handle God's Word. The battle needs men and women who love the Lord Jesus Christ, are surrendered to the power of the Spirit and know how to wield a dangerous sword. Find a place with master swordsmen and level up.
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