Thursday, July 16, 2009

Age of the Fallen: Origins - Road to August 10th!

The writing of AGE OF THE FALLEN was a three 1/2 year process. It started in a Starbucks in Hawaii in the Fall of 2005. I wrote only "Sent Ones" during that time (an early battle in the book). Then I let that sit for a few months and took it through numerous re-writes. Then I took some time to really work on the structure of the story and the development of the characters. After that back to writing!

I wrote about three Chapters before leaving for Japan. Then in Japan I wrote in various Starbucks, in a small apartment across the street from a cult temple. The story was finished in May of 2007 and thus began the search for a publisher AND test readings by various friends and colleagues. I was especially interested in Japanese young people and how they would respond to the book. As I got comments from them I made adjustments to the story and even changed the names of some of the characters.

After connecting with a good publisher I started working with the coolest editor from Canada, Susan Lohrer. Through her coaching and trained eye, I learned so much about writing that will stay with me through the next book. At the same time artists started running book covers by me and I provided ideas for the marketing team.

Once done with everything, it was given one more edit to polish it.

Even though I've read each chapter numerous times, I still come to tears at certain parts of the book. One of my best compliments was when my editor did the same thing. It's a moving, sad, maddening, inspiring, touching, and triumphant book. I thank God for His leadership throughout the process.

I hope you are touched by AGE OF THE FALLEN as much as I was writing it.



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