Each One Precious...
You can't miss the fact that Jesus treated each person as a precious, hand-made original. Whether it was the vertically challenged tax-collector, Zaccheaus or the adulterous woman thrown at his feet in shame, or the throw away demon possessed man who lived in the tombs. Jesus saw each one with the worth that God built into them. Now He asks us to go into the world and to love them in His name.
We need to see people the way Jesus sees them. Don't be lulled into ignoring individuals as you move through crowds, travel on trains, or walk the malls.
Each one is precious in God's eyes. They each have a story. They have dreams, and hurts, and hopes...and they need to meet the Savior. They have no idea how much they matter to God, how much He loves them, how badly He wants them in heaven with Him....He sent you there to tell them.
But first you have to see them. And you need to fill each face, each life with all the meaning and worth that God build into them. Each one precious...
We need to see people the way Jesus sees them. Don't be lulled into ignoring individuals as you move through crowds, travel on trains, or walk the malls.
Each one is precious in God's eyes. They each have a story. They have dreams, and hurts, and hopes...and they need to meet the Savior. They have no idea how much they matter to God, how much He loves them, how badly He wants them in heaven with Him....He sent you there to tell them.
But first you have to see them. And you need to fill each face, each life with all the meaning and worth that God build into them. Each one precious...
I pray for you as you infitrate the Japanese culture with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You are absolutely correct in your assessment of the Japanese people but be encouraged the Spirit of the living God is at work in ways you may not see. He is going to allow you to cross paths with those who need the Gospel and in which He has already been preparing for the harvest. I pray for those faceless multitudes who will come to know and savor the King of Kings through your ministry. I believe relationships are the key to evangelism in Japan but also know that as you find inroads into communities of college students, etc.. that they will introduce you to their webs of relationships for the spread of the Gospel, especially as God leads you to people of influence. They are followers by culture. Yes, the Gospel trumps culture but I believe that God knows each culture intimately and has prepared the Japanese people in a special way that we may not understand currently but for His glory, will call many to His throne room for eternal worship. I praise God that you are a willing vessel in which He will use to accomplish all that He wills. Monica and I were humbled to see God at work as we ministered in Japan for 4 yrs. We know the potential struggles, we understand the cultural challenges, we struggled with the language....yes, even Monica at times b/c of the Aomori dialect, we fell in love with the people, we love the food, we love the beautiful land, we were discouraged at times b/c we didn't see instant fruit, we were extremely encouraged when we had a classroom of 20 Japanese high school students studying English and then engage in Bible study. We were incredibly encouraged to see lives changed...especially the life of Kazumasa....a 19 yr old who beleived and started sharing his faith and then moved to Tokyo for further training. We glorified God as Shuichi, a construction worker...23 yrs old turned to Christ and met at our house each week for three-four hours of Bible study as I taught him the word. We still keep in contact with several JASDEF...Japanese Air Self Defense Force, who we met at Misawa Air Base. These women, Monica shared Christ with over and again and they even came to stay with us in Louisville during our seminary years. (Still unbelievers,but I believe God is at work as they continue to ask questions about our faith. Their is a Japanese man named Tomo who started coming to Crossroads to the Nations about 2 yrs ago when we kicked off the church plant. He is still there studying God's word two or three times a week and may have already believed. We are trusting that God will send him back to Japan as a catalyst for many others to believe. He said, "if I become a Christian....many of my friends and familiy will also believe." I hope I can share many other stories with you about how God is at work among the young 20's in Japan. Please contact my email at dsmerrifield@cox.net to continue a lasting dialog. I am praying for you Mark and family. I know that prayer is a key to God working among these beautiful peoples. Please dialog with me.
In His Grace and for His glory,
Dave Merrifield
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